Shopina Version 1.0

HTML Template For Online Store

Follow the steps below to setup your site template:
  1. Unzip the downloaded package and open the /shopina folder to find all the template files. You will need to upload these files to your hosting web server using FTP in order to use it on your website.
  2. Below is the folder structure and needs to be uploaded to your website root directory:
    • shopina/css - Stylesheet files
    • shopina/fonts – Icon font files
    • shopina/media - Image and Video files files
    • HTML/js - Javacript files
    • shopina/Images – Patern and Images
  3. You should upload all or specific HTML files as per your need.
  4. You're now good to go..! Start adding your content/images and generate your beautiful brand new website for your awesome users.

Shopina follows a simple and easy to customize coding structure. Here is the sample for your reference:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
 <meta charset="UTF-8">
 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
 <title>Shopina | Paper Sofas</title>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/master.css">
 <div id="header" class="i_header">
 <div class="h_row">
 <!-- Logo -->
 <div class="h_logo">...</div>
 <!-- Main Menu -->
 <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light">...</nav>
 <!-- Main Content -->
 <div id="content">
 <div class="slider"></div>
 <div class="section Name">...</div>
 <div class="section Name">...</div>
 <div class="section Name">...</div>
 <!-- Footer -->
 <div id="footer">
 <div class="fo_top">...</div>
<div class="fo_bottom">...</div>
 <!-- Scripts -->
 <script src="js/lib/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>
 <script src="js/lib/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
 <script src="js/lib/wow.min.js"></script>
 <script src="js/lib/owl.carousel.min.js"></script>
 <script src="js/lib/jquery.nicescroll.min.js"></script>
 <script src="js/lib/plyr.min.js"></script>
 <script src="js/main.js"></script>

To create different types of sliders or carousel , we use Owl Carousel 2

This is an example of how html is rendered. With the following options you can change almost every class the way you want.

<div class="owl-carousel owl-theme owl-loaded">
 <div class="owl-stage-outer">
 <div class="owl-stage">
 <div class="owl-item">...</div>
 <div class="owl-item">...</div>
 <div class="owl-item">...</div>
 <div class="owl-nav">
 <div class="owl-prev">prev</div>
 <div class="owl-next">next</div>
 <div class="owl-dots">
 <div class="owl-dot active"><span></span></div>
 <div class="owl-dot"><span></span></div>
 <div class="owl-dot"><span></span></div>
Wrap your items (div, a, img, span, li etc.) with a container element (div, ul etc.). Only the class owl-carousel is mandatory to apply proper styles:



Type: String 
Default: owl-refresh

Class during refresh.


Type: String 
Default: owl-loading

Class during load.


Type: String 
Default: owl-loaded

Class after load.


Type: String 
Default: owl-rtl

Class for right to left mode.


Type: String 
Default: owl-drag

Class for mouse drag mode.


Type: String 
Default: owl-grab

Class during mouse drag.


Type: String 
Default: owl-stage

Stage class.


Type: String 
Default: owl-stage-outer

Stage outer class.


Type: String 
Default: owl-nav

Navigation container class.


Type: Array 
Default: [&#x27;owl-prev&#x27;,&#x27;owl-next&#x27;]

Navigation buttons classes.


Type: String 
Default: owl-dot

Dot Class.


Type: String 
Default: owl-dots

Dots container class.


Type: String 
Default: owl-height

Auto height class.


Type: String|Boolean 
Default: false

Optional helper class. Add '<responsiveClass>-<breakpoint>' class to main element. Can be used to stylize content on given breakpoint.

You may notice we have used some nice animation effects in this template. here is demo page of animations that you can use in this template. these animations are only supported by IE10+, Firefox, Google chrome, Safari, Opera. animations will be run when animated object displayed in viewport.


Class Name
bounce flash pulse rubberBand
shake headShake swing tada
wobble jello bounceIn bounceInDown
bounceInLeft bounceInRight bounceInUp bounceOut
bounceOutDown bounceOutLeft bounceOutRight bounceOutUp
fadeIn fadeInDown fadeInDownBig fadeInLeft
fadeInLeftBig fadeInRight fadeInRightBig fadeInUp
fadeInUpBig fadeOut fadeOutDown fadeOutDownBig
fadeOutLeft fadeOutLeftBig fadeOutRight fadeOutRightBig
fadeOutUp fadeOutUpBig flipInX flipInY
flipOutX flipOutY lightSpeedIn lightSpeedOut
rotateIn rotateInDownLeft rotateInDownRight rotateInUpLeft
rotateInUpRight rotateOut rotateOutDownLeft rotateOutDownRight
rotateOutUpLeft rotateOutUpRight hinge jackInTheBox
rollIn rollOut zoomIn zoomInDown
zoomInLeft zoomInRight zoomInUp zoomOut
zoomOutDown zoomOutLeft zoomOutRight zoomOutUp
slideInDown slideInLeft slideInRight slideInUp
slideOutDown slideOutLeft slideOutRight slideOutUp


To animate an element, add the class animated to an element. You can include the class infinite for an infinite loop. Finally you need to add one of the following classes to the element:

Full example:

<h1 class="animated infinite bounce delay-2s">Example</h1>

Check out all the animations here!

It's possible to change the duration of your animations, add a delay or change the number of times that it plays:

.yourElement {
 animation-duration: 3s;
 animation-delay: 2s;
 animation-iteration-count: infinite;

Usage with jQuery

You can do a whole bunch of other stuff with animate.css when you combine it with jQuery. A simple example:

$('#yourElement').addClass('animated bounceOutLeft');

You can also detect when an animation ends:

// See
var animationEnd = (function(el) {
 var animations = {
 animation: 'animationend',
 OAnimation: 'oAnimationEnd',
 MozAnimation: 'mozAnimationEnd',
 WebkitAnimation: 'webkitAnimationEnd',
 for (var t in animations) {
 if ([t] !== undefined) {
 return animations[t];
$('#yourElement').one(animationEnd, doSomething);

View a video tutorial 

on how to use Animate.css with jQuery here.

 animateCss: function(animationName, callback) {
 var animationEnd = (function(el) {
 var animations = {
 animation: 'animationend',
 OAnimation: 'oAnimationEnd',
 MozAnimation: 'mozAnimationEnd',
 WebkitAnimation: 'webkitAnimationEnd',
 for (var t in animations) {
 if ([t] !== undefined) {
 return animations[t];
 this.addClass('animated ' + animationName).one(animationEnd, function() {
 $(this).removeClass('animated ' + animationName);
 if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();
 return this;
Note: is used when you want to execute the event handler at most once. More information here.

It's possible to extend jQuery and add a function that does it all for you:

And use it like this:

$('#yourElement').animateCss('bounce', function() {
 // Do something after animation
Setting Delay and Speed

Delay Class

It's possible to add delays directly on the element's class attribute, just like this:

<div class="animated bounce delay-2s">Example</div>
Class Name Delay Time
delay-2s 2s
delay-3s 3s
delay-4s 4s
delay-5s 5s

Note: The default delays are from 1 second to 5 seconds only. If you need custom delays, add it directly to your own CSS code.

Slow, Slower, Fast, and Faster Class

It's possible to control the speed of the animation by adding these classes, as a sample below:

<div class="animated bounce faster">Example</div>
Class Name Speed Time
slow 2s
slower 3s
fast 800ms
faster 500ms

Note: The animated class has a default speed of 1s. If you need custom duration, add it directly to your own CSS code.

We use two font Icon in this themplate. Flat-icon font and awesome;


How to use flat-icon coustom font:

Use the icon class on "display: inline" elements: 

Use example: 

 <i class="flaticon-plant"></i> or <span class="flaticon-plant"></span>


You can see  awesome icon list here and Docs.

Product categories are the primary way to group products with similar features.

you can see category list, code structure here:

 <!-- Category -->
 <div class="container">
 <div class="ci_parent col-md-4">
 <img src="media/category/category_item_1.jpg" alt="one">
 <div class="p_o_bottom">
 <div class="p_o_b_left">
 <div class="roboto_medium"><a>Lucky Chair</a></div>
 <div class="roboto_regular"><a>Best Categories</a></div>
 <div class="p_o_b_right roboto_bold">
 <i class="fas fa-shopping-cart"></i>
 <div class="ci_itemPage">
 <div class="ci_itemPage_back">
 <span class="ci_showPageNumber">1</span>
 <span class="ci_nextOrPrevBtn prevBtn"><i class="flaticon-left"></i>PRE</span>
 <span class="ci_itemPage_currentPage">2</span>
 <span class="ci_nextOrPrevBtn nextBtn">NEXT<i class="flaticon-right-arrow-angle"></i></span>
 <span class="ci_showPageNumber">10</span>

Shopina contains all required Styles to create fully working and oriented blog.

Style 1:Left Image

<div class="bg_view1 with-sidebar">
 <div class="bg_view1_left col-md-6 col-12"><img src="media/blog/blog_post_img1.jpg" alt="post 1">
 <div class="bg_view1_right col-md-6 col-12">
 <div class="vr_1 roboto_medium"><a href="#" dideo-checked="true"><h2>Young Bean Sofa</h2><i class="share_icon_blog"></i></a>
 <div class="vr_2 roboto_bold"><span><a dideo-checked="true">About Us</a></span> | <span><i class="fas fa-eye"></i> 455 Views</span>
 <p class="vr_3 roboto_regular">Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's...
 <div class="vr_4 roboto_bold"><a dideo-checked="true">Read More <i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i></a></div>
 <div class="clearfix"></div>

Style 2:Buttom Full Image

<div class="bg_view2 with-sidebar">
 <div class="bg_view2_top">
 <div class="vr_1 roboto_medium"><a href="#" dideo-checked="true"><h2>Young Bean Sofa</h2><i class="share_icon_blog"></i></a>
 <div class="vr_2 roboto_bold"><span>10 SEP</span> | <span><i class="fas fa-eye"></i> 455 Views</span></div>
 <p class="vr_3 roboto_regular">Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and
 industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when
 unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has
 survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining
 essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets
 containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like
 PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
 <div class="vr_4 roboto_bold"><a dideo-checked="true">Read More <i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i></a></div>
 <div class="bg_view2_bottom">
 <img src="media/blog/blog_post_img2.jpg" alt="view 2">

Style 3:Media Post

<div class="bg_view3 with-sidebar">
 <div class="vr_1 roboto_medium"><a href="#" dideo-checked="true"><h2>Voice Of Customers</h2><i class="share_icon_blog"></i></a>
 <div class="vr_2 roboto_bold"><span>MEDIA</span> | <i class="fas fa-music"></i> 455 Play
 <div class="vr_3 roboto_regular">
 <div class="bg3_vr_3_left"><img src="media/index/customer.png" alt="author"></div>
 <div class="bg3_vr_3_right">
 <h4 class="roboto_medium">Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesettingindustry.</h4>
 <div class="plyr plyr--full-ui plyr--audio plyr--html5 plyr--paused plyr--stopped plyr--is-touch">
<div class="plyr__controls"><button type="button" class="plyr__control" data-plyr="play" aria-label="Play">
<svg class="icon--pressed" role="presentation" focusable="false"><use xlink:href="#plyr-pause"></use></svg>
<svg class="icon--not-pressed" role="presentation" focusable="false"><use xlink:href="#plyr-play"></use>
</svg><span class="label--pressed plyr__sr-only">Pause</span><span class="label--not-pressed plyr__sr-only">Play</span>
</button><div class="plyr__progress">...</div>
 <div class="clearfix"></div>

Style 4:Grid Post View

<div class="bg_view4_back">
 <div class="col-md-6 col-12">
 <div class="bg_view4">
 <div class="view4_top"><img src="media/blog/blog_post_img4.jpg" alt="view 4"></div>
 <div class="view4_botton">
 <div class="vr_1 roboto_medium"><a href="#" dideo-checked="true"><h2>Young Bean Sofa</h2><i class="share_icon_blog"></i></a></div>
 <div class="vr_2 roboto_bold"><span><a dideo-checked="true">About Us</a></span> | <span><i class="fas fa-eye"></i> 455 Views</span>
 <p class="vr_3 roboto_regular">Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and
 typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever
 since the 1500s, when an unknown printer...
 <div class="vr_4 roboto_bold"><a dideo-checked="true">Read More <i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i></a></div>
 <div class="col-md-6 col-12">
 <div class="bg_view4">
 <div class="view4_top"><img src="media/blog/blog_post_img3.png" alt="view 4"></div>
 <div class="view4_botton">
 <div class="vr_1 roboto_medium"><a href="#" dideo-checked="true"><h2>Young Bean Sofa</h2><i class="share_icon_blog"></i></a></div>
 <div class="vr_2 roboto_bold"><span><a dideo-checked="true">About Us</a></span> | <span><i class="fas fa-eye"></i> 455 Views</span>
 <p class="vr_3 roboto_regular">Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and
 typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever
 since the 1500s, when an unknown printer...
 <div class="vr_4 roboto_bold"><a dideo-checked="true">Read More <i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i></a></div>
 <div class="clearfix"></div>

Style 5:Qutoe Style

<div class="qute">
 <div class="vr_1 roboto_medium"><a href="#" dideo-checked="true"><h2>Young Bean Sofa</h2><i class="share_icon_blog"></i></a>
 <div class="vr_2 roboto_bold"><span><a dideo-checked="true">10 SEP</a></span> | <span><i class="fas fa-eye"></i> 455 Views</span>
 <div class="vr_3 roboto_light_italic">
 <span class="icon_back">
 <i class="qute_icon"></i>
 <span class="qute_text">
 Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting
 industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an
 unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make.
 <div class="vr_4 roboto_bold"><a dideo-checked="true">M.KHODAEI</a></div>
Note:If you want to have Blog page with sidebar you should add  class="with-sidebar" to <div> tag 

CSS Files theme



Js files theme
